Make Sure Your Phone Number Is On The Home Page

In the last post we spoke about not having email addresses on your website. This time we are talking about something you must have - your phone number.

The New Yellow Pages

Phone directories are a thing of the past now, (I know because used to work for one!) and have been largely replaced by internet searches. However most people are still quite keen to make contact on the phone. 

So one of the main things you need to cater for on your website is people who are simply looking for a phone number to call. On the internet, your competitors are only a click away, so if you make it hard for a potential customer to find your  number then you are running a big risk of losing them.

Don't Hide The Number

So put your phone number near the top of the home page in big bold text. On your mobile site you can make it a link that starts the call automatically so they don't have to type it in.

This will almost certainly change in the future as trends an generation change but for the moment it is critical to have your contact number front and center.

If would like to have a chat about your website, feel free to contact us using our online form or call 03 8060 0542:

Groundstation Pty Ltd

GroundStation is  a website management company, solving website problems for business owners and allowing them to focus on what they do best.

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Don't Have Email Addresses On Your Website.